Utah Tech University

Resource Center

Our Mission

Welcome to the Student Resource Center (SRC) Utah Tech University located in the Browning Building. We offer comprehensive support to students, encompassing university policies, academic coaching, mentoring, and community connections to ensure successful postsecondary education completion. With a specialized focus on addressing basic needs, providing food assistance, and offering tailored resources for students with families, first-generation, and non-traditional backgrounds, the SRC aims to educate, connect, and motivate students. Our mission is to provide essential support services while fostering a supportive campus environment.


Providing subsidized childcare is integral to our mission of offering essential support services, ensuring all students can thrive academically while nurturing a supportive campus community.



The Student Resource Center advocates for a campus community that actively nurtures the physical, intellectual, social, and personal development of its student body. To assist students with their academic journey, the Student Resource Center connects students to physical resources such as the campus food pantry, clothing closet, and child care. Additional services are available for first generation and non-traditional students.

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Utah Tech University has a rich history of community and spirit, evident through decades of campus-wide events and programs. Whether you’re an incoming student, parent, or alumni, you’re invited to join us throughout the year in celebrating our culture, academic achievements, and the joy of community.

Honoring our past grounds us as an institution while embracing our present and future. Participate in our traditional events and help us keep these cherished traditions alive on campus. We welcome new ideas and new students—bring your friends and join in the fun!

Interested in getting involved? The offices overseeing these events are always seeking students to join committees and help organize these special occasions and traditions. Reach out to the Center for Student Life for more details.

SRC Events


Donate To Students in Need

At Utah Tech University, we are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed regardless of financial circumstances. Many of our students face challenges that go beyond academics, struggling to afford basic necessities such as textbooks, housing, and food. That’s why we are reaching out to our generous community for support.

Your donation can make a significant impact in the lives of UT students in need. By contributing, you help alleviate financial burdens and provide crucial resources that enable our students to focus on their studies and achieve their academic goals. Whether it’s a one-time gift or a recurring donation, your generosity directly supports the educational journey of deserving students.

Join us in making a difference at UT University. Together, we can empower our students to thrive and succeed. To donate or learn more about how you can help, please visit here or contact us directly at Resource@utahtech.edu

Thank you for your consideration and support.


Utah Tech’s Legal Clinic offers invaluable free guidance and support to students on a variety of legal matters. Covering topics such as dating violence, domestic issues, family law, housing concerns, and assistance with programs like food stamps and Medicaid, our clinic ensures students have access to essential legal resources. Thanks to a partnership with the Southern Utah Bar Association, qualified attorneys visit campus to provide personalized advice and consultations. Monthly meetings are scheduled on the second Wednesday from 5pm to 7pm, offering students a convenient opportunity to seek guidance directly on campus. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Legal Clinic via email legalclinic@utahtech.edu


Coming September 2024! Presentation from Elizabeth Smart and a Self-defense seminar presented by the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. Event registration opens in August 2024.

“Bringing hope and ending the victimization and exploitation of sexual assault through education, healing, and advocacy. Hope for families. Peace for victims. Empowerment for all.” -Elizabeth Smart Foundation

Utah Tech University Support Services & Self Care

Recent data shows that as many as 3 in 5 U.S. college are experiencing basic needs insecurity, ranging from financial, medical and mental health services, housing insecurity, food insecurity and other forms of insecurity.

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Mother's Room

At Utah Tech University nursing women are provided reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean and reasonably accessible. Lactation rooms are a private spaces for nursing mothers to express milk. This space is shielded from view and free from intrusion of others. Nursing mother’s rooms are functional private spaces with a place to sit and access to an electrical outlet including a sink and fridge for temporary milk storage Need Badge Access?

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How do I place a food pantry order?

The blazer pantry is the campus food pantry available to all faculty, staff, and students experiencing food insecurity. Food insecurity is defined as those with uncertain access to nutritious and safe food because of a lack of money and resources. Click this link: https://app.pantrysoft.com/login/utahtech

What services does the student resource center (src) offer?

The src provides a range of services including academic coaching, mentoring, assistance with university policies, access to basic needs support such as food assistance, and resources tailored for students with families, first-generation, and non-traditional backgrounds.

Can the src help with academic challenges?

Absolutely! Our academic coaching and mentoring programs are designed to assist you with study strategies, time management, and academic goal setting. we’re here to support you throughout your academic journey.

I'm experiencing financial difficulties. Does the src provide financial aid or scholarships?

While the src does not provide financial aid directly, we can connect you with resources on campus that offer financial assistance, scholarships, and information on managing finances effectively.

Office Hours


  • Closed.


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Closed.

Student Resource Center

Email: Resource@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-879-4489

Office: Browning #106
Utah Tech University
225 East University Ave
St. George, UT 84770